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Date Posted: 17 June, 2013 | Join The Conversation! Be the first to comment!

Low Carb Diet Loves Fitness

diet-and-fitnessOne thing I have learned about life is that you usually have to work for the things that are worth having. Good relationships take work, success in your career takes work and staying healthy really does take work. But staying healthy does not have to be a chore! When it comes to living the low carb lifestyle I like to use the tastiest foods and the physical activities that combine fitness and fun to help me stay healthy.

Benefits of a Low Carb Diet and Exercise

First, let’s consider the benefits of adding more activity for physical fitness to your low carb diet:

• Activity helps to control weight.
• Activity reduces your risk for diabetes as well as cancer and even Alzheimer’s.
• Activity decreases stress and strengthens your body and mind.
• Activity slows the effects of aging.

All of these benefits far outweigh the negatives. In fact the only negative to physical fitness is boredom might set in and finding the time can be a real challenge. You can do the minimum recommended exercise of just 20 minutes a day, 3 times a week, or kick it up a notch and maximize the benefits and exercise at least 30 minutes a day 5-6 times a week. It’s up to you and even the smallest amount of exercise will improve your health and fitness as well as your weigh loss results while on an low carb diet.

Stay Fit and Have Fun on Your Low Carb Diet

So how do I have fun? My fun comes in many forms from a round of golf with the girls to daily walks with my favourite music or BFF! Here are some great ideas for enjoyable physical fitness:

• Dance away your stress and weight with one of the many “dancercise” programs available like Zumba or QiDance.

• Walking can be incorporated into your daily life: walk to work, get off the bus or subway a few stops earlier, walk the kids to school on pleasant days or walk up the stairs at the office.

• Cycling offers the same potential to fit in with daily life from cycling to work to taking a turn with the kids around the neighbourhood in beautiful weather.

• Whether you have your own pool, hit the beach or visit a local rec centre, swimming offers low impact exercise with plenty of aerobics to improve physical fitness.

• Choose a sport you will enjoy such as tennis, badminton, golf, or running. Take lessons or join a club with a friend.

• For year round physical fitness buy a Wii , PS3 Move or Xbox Kinect for a wide assortment of physical fitness games and exercise options.

There are many options to improve your physical fitness while enjoying the Atkins low carb diet and ideally you should combine activity, weights and stretching for the best results. A perfect partner for your daily activities is my low carb recipes. Enjoy my low carb Strawberry Shake before starting your activity. They’re perfect to get you moving in the morning and once you get moving, you’ll see even better results on your low carb diet!

Stay healthy and live well,

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