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Date Posted: 24 December, 2019 | Join The Conversation! Be the first to comment!

Low Carb Revised Dark Chocolate Nuggets

I was shopping at Costco when I came across a bag of Dark Chocolate Nuggets made by Innofoods costing me $11.50, I quite enjoyed them and thought I could make my own, but low carb.

Its pretty crazy but I think I came up with a great duplicate of this Low Carb Dark Chocolate Nugget.

I had already made these Low Carb Dark Chocolate Nuggets but through time I decide to revise the recipe to make it even better.

Basically the only thing that made a difference with the revised recipe is I added Cocoa Butter which makes everything more solid and the chocolate doesn’t melt in the hands like my old recipe.

So here is my Low Carb Revised Dark Chocolate Nuggets

I hope you enjoy them.

So lets get started and I will show you how to make them!


1 1/2 cup (150 grams)sugar free chocolate chips or (85% or more 100 gram chocolate bar + 1/4 cup erythritol)

1/4 cup (40 grams) cocoa butter

2 tablespoon coconut oil

1/4 cup (52 grams)powdered erythritol

2 1/2 cup (206 grams) coconut smiles

1/2 cup (67grams) pumpkin seed

1/2 cup (67 grams) sunflower seeds

2 tablespoon Chia seeds

In double boiler or if you do not have one ( take a pot add water and set a smaller pot inside and not have the water touch the second post.

Heat the water to a steady low boil, add chocolate, cocoa butter, coconut oil and erythritol together in a double boiler.

Even though everything has melted continue heating the chocolate mixture so the powdered erythritol dissolves. ( approx 5 minutes once everything has melted)

Remove from burner and add all the seeds and coconut smiles until mixed thoroughly. ( you might need a larger pot to put everything in to mix)

Take a silicone mat or a piece of parchment paper and lay on the bottom of a cookie sheet. Spread the chocolate mixture, sprinkle salt on top and place in fridge until hardened. (An hour our more)

Once hardened break up the chocolate into different size pieces.

Store in a air tight container in the fridge.

Servings: 50

Yield: 2 net carb

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