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Date Posted: 2 January, 2018 | Join The Conversation! Be the first to comment!

Low Carb Parmesan Chicken Thighs

Boy oh Boy you can really get cheap chicken thighs when they come on sale. For a pack of 9 chicken thighs it cost me $4.45. What a cheap meal, so lets spruce them up with my Low Carb Parmesan Thighs.
They are so juicy, crispy and delicious, a very simple recipe to put together and perfect for your family or quests. Add a little extra Parmesan mixer under the skin and then smoother the rest on the outer thighs to create a tasty crispy crunch.

9 chicken thighs (skin on)


1 Tablespoon dried basil

1/4 cup fine shredded Parmesan cheese

1 clove crushed garlic

1/8 teaspoon sea salt

1 tablespoon avocado oil

Chicken Coating

1/4 melted butter

1 cup Parmesan cheese

1 Tablespoon parsley

1 teaspoon thyme

1 teaspoon paprika

1 teaspoon garlic powder


Make a pocket under the skin of the thigh by taking you thumb on the edge of the the skin and seperate the skin from the meat, leaving a pocket.

In a bowl, mix basil, Parmesan,garlic alt and oil.

Take a teaspoon of the mixture and place under the skin on each chicken thigh.

Baste the thighs with butter.

In another bowl, mixe parmesan, parsley, thyme,paprika garlic together.

Pour cheese mixture on a plate roll the thighs one at a time into the mixture until thoroughly covered.
Place in a ovenware dish. Any left over cheese mixture pour on thighs and press down.

Preheat oven 400 F

Place on middle rack of oven and cook for approx 35 to 40 minutes.

Serving: 9

Yield: .7 net carb

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