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Date Posted: 18 October, 2019 | Join The Conversation! Be the first to comment!

Low Carb Chocolate Chips

I found this recipe at “ alldayidreamaboutfood”  and felt it needs to be shared with all my family on my site.

Making Low Carb Chocolate Chips is easier then you think. The biggest hurdle is to find Cocoa Butter and a mold of some kind to make the chocolate chip shape.
I looked on line to see how much chocolate chip silicone molds cost and found them to be approximately $39.00 for 3. That’s crazy so I tried to think out of the box and remembered I had a silicone mat that I used to cook bacon. As you will see in the video each section of the mat has little pyramid shapes which are perfect to make chocolate chips. Yeah, I saved some money and hopefully you have something like this at home also.
Anyway I made these Low Carb Chocolate Chips two different ways and am leaving it up to you to decide how you want to make them. They both turned out very well, the one I cooked in the pan directly on the burner did not have the grainy texture compared to the one I made using a a double boiler. They both are delicious and I know you will not regret making your own Low Carb Chocolate Chips.

So lets get started and I will show you how to make them!

3 oz (85.05 grams) Cocoa Butter

2 oz (56.70 g) 100% Solid Cocoa ( Ghirardelli is what I used)

1/2 cup powdered erythritol or xylitol

2/3 cup Cocoa Powder

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

First Method Instructions

On medium heat in a saucepan, melt chocolate chunks and cocoa butter until smooth.

Continually stir and add powdered erythritol, cocoa powder.

I cooked the chocolate until it seized (thickened), remove from the burner and add the vanilla, stir well.

The chocolate is very thick , dump the mixture on the top of the silicone mat and spread with a knife. The chocolate is very thick but easy to move around to fill all the holes.

Refrigerate for a couple of hours.

Remove from fridge and remove chocolate from the mat.

In a sealed container store in the fridge.

Second Method Instructions

Using a double boiler add an inch of water in the bottom pan and place the other pan in side of the water pan making sure the water is not touching the pan on top.

Once the water is simmering add the cocoa butter and chocolate chunks to the top pan and let melt.

Sift in the powdered erythritol and cocoa powder, stir until all lumps have disappeared. Remove from heat and add the vanilla.

You will find the chocolate is very runny, pour the liquid into the silicone mat , spread around with a knife until all the holes are filled with chocolate.

Refrigerate or a couple of hours.

Remove from fridge and remove the chocolate from the silicone mat.

Store in the fridge.

Servings: 14

Yield: 1.8 net carbs

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