The leaves are changing colours the temperature is dropping and a bowl of Low Carb Asparagus and Leek Soup is exactly what my body and mind both wanted, hot and creamy, light, healthy and green!
Tip: Once the soup is ready, taste and add extra salt if needed. I find that it needs more salt to give it that perfect taste.
Asparagus and Leek Soup
2 tbls butter
1 leek, (white part only)
¾ pound asparagus cut in small pieces
1 tbls chopped garlic
2 cups chicken broth
1/3 cup heavy cream
Salt and pepper to taste
Melt butter in large pan, add leek and sauté add asparagus cook for approx. 1 minute, and add garlic sauté shortly.
Add broth and bring to a boil, lower the heat and cover.
Simmer for approx. 10 minutes until asparagus is tender.
Add cream, salt and pepper to taste.
Blend soup in a food process until smooth. (Caution: If soup is very hot it can blow up in the food processor) let soup cool down to warm before processing.
* quick note on cleaning leeks: leeks tend to have a lot of dirt and grit in them. If you aren’t careful when cleaning them, you may think they are totally clean, start cooking with them and find your entire dish has a nasty grittiness to it. This can ruin a dish. After trimming off the ends (called the beards) and the dark green tops (save these for stocks). Slice the from one end to the other than run them under cold water at this point, or even better, you can submerge the leeks in a large pot of cold water. Swirl them around to really remove all the grit and dirt. Drain well and then chop.
Makes 4 servings
Yeild: 5 net carbs per serving
Stay Healthy and Live Well